The newest Austin Lighthouse Leadership Development Program class received their graduation certificates on Thursday, September 27, after completing the rigorous six-month-long course just one day prior.
The ceremony was kicked off by Lighthouse President and CEO Jim Meehan, who asked each graduate to give a two-sentence unique answer to the question, “What did this program mean to you?” The excitement and pride were evident as the tight-knit group sitting alongside each other answered one by one with little hesitation.
Each graduate was called up to receive their certificate of completion, a plaque, and a challenge coin from Meehan as an audience of executive staff, directors, human resources, and the program’s executive coach, Carlos Merla, cheered and applauded.
Skin Care supervisor Robert Rodriguez, who was selected as valedictorian by his peers, closed out the ceremony with a speech filled with gratitude, lessons learned, and words to remember.
The event was a reflection of the organization’s commitment to developing strong leaders, and it was evident that the graduates would continue to make a positive impact within the organization. Congratulations, graduates!