Eight employees from Travis Association for the Blind, also known as the Austin Lighthouse, are traveling to Norman, Oklahoma, for the 2023 NBBA World Series of Beep Baseball, August 1 – 4, 2023. These talented players are taking the field for the Austin Blackhawks, Bayou City Heat, and San Antonio Jets for what’s shaping up to be a very competitive tournament.
“It is hard to tell who will actually be in the Top 5. Every Team has a loss on the season, and not one team has won multiple tournaments going into the World Series,” said Inventory Supervisor and Heat player Brandon Chesser. “It’s definitely going to be one to watch”
Beep baseball, an adaptive version of America’s favorite pastime, is a family affair for Chesser. His daughter Aschlyn will be behind the camera live streaming the Heat games. His wife and former Lighthouse employee Pamela plays for the Blackhawks with their son Bryan as a backup pitcher and catcher.
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“It’s awesome having the family involved. You see this all across the league,” said Chesser.
Recent retiree Wayne Sibson and his wife Jamie, will also share the field with their daughter Kamryn who will serve as a volunteer for her parents’ team, the Blackhawks.
Along with the Chessers and Sibsons, other Lighthouse employees competing in the World Series are Ernest Cook, Ed Manning, Dariuhs Sterling, Daniel Brock, and Robert Perez for the Blackhawks, and Lupe Perez with the Jets.

The schedule for the first round of World Series games featuring Lighthouse players is below. Watch the Game of the Day on the NBBA website or social media page. These games will feature well-described play by plays and color commentary from behind home plate. For other games, check out the individual team’s Facebook pages for LIVE Streams.
Time | Games |
8:30 am | Austin Blackhawks v. Oklahoma Lookouts (Game of the Day) Bayou City Heat v. Atlanta Chaos San Antonio Jets v. St. Louis Sirens |
11:30 am | Austin Blackhawks v. SGV Panthers Bayou City Heat v. Minnesota Millers San Antonio Jets v. Houston Hurricanes |
2:30 pm | Austin Blackhawks v. Philly Fire Bayou City Heat v Gateway Archers (Game of the Day) San Antonio Jets v. Boston Renegades |