Travis Association for the Blind is proud to have had a representative in National Industries for the Blind’s Business Management Training program which concluded on September 19, 2019. Thomas Stivers, a member of the Training and Employment Services team was selected by National Industries for the Blind (NIB) to take part in this intensive program.
When asked what he learned in the program Thomas said, “I learned that numbers don’t lie.” When asked to explain he stated, “During the second session of the program we learned about the financial aspects of business. We learned how to measure the health of a business by looking at its financial numbers.” We are confident that with his new training Thomas will help to keep TAB healthy.
Business Management Training
Business Management Training (BMT) is a 15-month program that develops critical business perspective and management abilities, taught by George Mason University (GMU) at their Arlington Campus in Metro Washington D.C.
BMT targets qualified, high-potential employees of NIB and NIB associated agencies who are blind and demonstrate leadership potential. Throughout the five on-location classroom sessions, participants build critical skills while earning a Certificate in Management from GMU Business School.
Students receive executive-level education through the program, according to Karen Pal, BLP program director. “It’s really a mini-MBA,” says Pal. Over the course of 15-months, students travel to George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia, to attend five 3½ day-long educational sessions. The curriculum, taught by George Mason faculty, includes much of the same coursework the university teaches to corporate executives. The program uses a flipped classroom approach: Students pre-learn material through reading assignments, then spend classroom time in faculty-guided discussion and application. While onsite, students analyze case studies, apply concepts to real-life scenarios, and exchange ideas with one another. Pre- and post-session reading assignments, group project work, and team conferencing keep students in touch and engaged between sessions. Another critical component of the program are coaches who work with the students at their associated agencies, helping them apply their classroom learning to real-life situations on the job. The challenging curriculum includes business strategy, business development, finance, marketing, operations, and leadership skills for personal, team, and organizational performance. (NIB Opportunity Magazine, 2019, p.6-11.)
NIB Opportunity, Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders, Volume 12 (Issue 1), pp. 6-11
Graduation Day:
September 19, 2019
George Mason University Graduation
NIB Graduation
Coach and BMT Graduate: