Complete Low Vision Care Clinic
What is Low Vision?
Low vision is a partial loss of sight that cannot be corrected with glasses, medications, or surgery. It makes performing daily tasks extremely difficult. Help is available!
Specialized low vision care, adaptive technology, and daily living skills equip people with low vision to live independent, productive, and fulfilling lives.
The Complete Low Vision Care clinic offers expert low vision services, rehabilitation services, general vision care, pediatric care, and more.
The evaluation focuses on addressing daily challenges caused by vision loss. We work together to focus on personal vision needs and goals and determine which low vision devices can assist in performing difficult tasks.
Available Devices Include:
- Magnifiers
- Telescope
- Microscopes
- Prisms
- Glare Control Filters
- Special Lighting
- Portable & Desktop Video Magnifiers
- Electronic Systems
- And more!
Book a Complete Low Vison Care appointment today!
In partnership with the Austin Lighthouse, you can also be fitted with specialized adaptive technology to equip your workspace with tools needed for career opportunities and independent living.